How To Set New Moon Intentions
The new moon takes place every 28-30 days. This happens when the sun and the moon align and block the view of the moon from the earth. During this period of the lunar cycle, the moon seems to disappear from the night sky. This is a powerful time for self-reflection and setting new goals for the future. So let’s talk about setting new moon intentions and some of the rituals you can do when making your own.
New Moon Intentions
I know a lot of people may think that doing “moon rituals” and “manifesting” is woo-woo. But there is no denying that the moon has a powerful effect on our planet and on us people as well. The ocean responds to the moon’s gravitational pull twice a day, causing the changing tides and bigger waves. And since the human body is made of about 60% water, it makes sense that we also have a very strong connection with the moon. So, a new moon ritual, meditation, is a great place to start for anyone wanting to deepen their connection with the moon and the energy all around us.
The full moon’s another powerful time of the month to do a moon ritual that will bring closure and help you let go of what’s holding you back. You can easily keep track of the moon cycle with this moon phase calendar.
What Are New Moon Intentions
Intentions are what someone hopes or intends to accomplish. So to start out, think about what you want to manifest or bring into your life. These manifestations can be big or small. For instance, you can say “I will write my book” Or “I will write the first chapter of my book”. What’s most important is that you are very clear and precise in what you want, and speak it with conviction.

How To Set New Moon Intentions
Step 1: Prepare a Sacred Space
Your sacred space can be an altar, shelf, desk, corner, or an entire room in your home. Make this space beautiful with house plants, crystals, candles, or whatever brings you a feeling of peace and positive energy. You should reserve this area for your meditation and spiritual practices.
Step 2: Cleanse Your Space
Right before a new moon ritual is a great time to cleanse your sacred space. Dust your alter and remove any clutter that may have gathered. You can clear stagnant energy in the room by opening windows for fresh air, and lighting some incense or herbs.
Step 3: Take A Bath
Remember that the moon holds a powerful connection with water. So this is the perfect time in the lunar cycle to immerse yourself in water and draw on that power. Add some salts and calming essential oil like lavender to the water. This will help still your mind and allow you to focus on what you want to manifest in your life.
Step 4: Create an affirmation
After deciding what you want, it’s time to create your affirmations. Try and limit yourself to just a couple of intentions, that way you can really focus on manifesting them this moon cycle. Keep your affirmations positive and when you speak them, it’s important to really believe what you’re saying.

Step 5: Meditate
The next step is to visualize what you want. You can light a candle and focus on the flame or close your eyes. As you repeat your affirmations, picture yourself doing the things you’re asking the universe for. For example, if your affirmations are to find a new job, picture yourself in your new office working. You can continue this visualization mediation throughout the month.
Step 6: Write In A Journal
Writing all your affirmations down on paper is a good way to really narrow down and clarify your goals in greater detail. While writing use words like I am and I will.
Step 7: Pull An Oracle Card
An Oracle deck is a set of divinatory cards that you can use for self-reflection, personal exploration, and rituals. On the new moon, cleanse your oracle cards with sacred smoke (from sage or palo santo). With the deck in hand meditate on your intentions before pulling a single card. This card will let you know if you have challenges standing in the way of your manifestations or let you know that the path is clear.
Step 8: Make Moon Water
Moon water is water that has been charged with moon energy, and it’s super easy to do.
To begin, set intentions before placing a bowl or glass of water outside. Sit with these intentions for a few minutes or if you’re feeling called to do so, meditate for longer. Next, speak your intentions into the glass of water to program it, and then leave it out to soak up the new moon’s energy for the night. Collect your water the following morning and either drink it or pour it into your bath.

Repeat Your Ritual Every Full Moon.
Every month on the new moon you can do a ritual. You can repeat this same ritual or create a new one that resonates with you. Doing this will help you manifest new beginnings and stay focused on your goals.
Xx Monti
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