How To Make Your Goals A Reality
It’s one thing to have big dreams, But figuring out how to turn those dreams into reality can feel daunting and rather overwhelming. Well, here’s a little secret. People who are successful in reaching their dreams into reality set themselves a smart goal. S.M.A.R.T. is an acronym that stands for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Timebound. Keep this in mind when deciding which of your goals you want to make a reality, and read on for more tips to help you successfully achieve those goals.
How To Make Your Goals A Reality
Setting Realistic Goals
When you set goals for yourself, it’s important to ensure your goals are specific, realistic, and attainable. Goals should be BIG, even big enough to scare you. That way, you can push yourself to achieve them. Just be careful never to let your goals be dependent on circumstances that are out of your control. And if a goal is impossible to achieve in the time frame you set for yourself, you may be setting yourself up for failure.
Write Your Goals Down
The first step to achieving your goals is to take all the things you dream of and write them down. Write down exactly what you want. What you’re willing to do, as well as the things you’re going to stop doing to accomplish these goals. Keep your notes in a place where you can easily find them. That way, you can go back and look over them from time to time.
Break The Goal Down Into Baby Steps
If you think looking at a large list of big goals feels overwhelming, you’re not alone. Now that you have your goals written down, it’s time to break them down into smaller actionable steps. At the beginning of each week, write down a list of tasks you can do to help you reach a big goal. Then make sure you focus some time and energy every day during the week to check off the items on this mini-list. This will help you prioritize and manage your time in an effective manner.
Share Your Goals
Share your goals and intentions with supportive friends, family members, and mentors. Once other people know what you’re working towards, they can offer support and help keep you accountable. They may also be able to share valuable advice that can help you reach your goals faster. And if a time comes when you’re feeling discouraged, they will be able to remind you “why” you started to begin with and encourage you to continue on your path.
Create Visuals
A vision board is a great way to put all your dreams and imaginings into one place. It will give structure to your ideas and leave you with a clear picture of what you’re trying to achieve. Collect photos or images that represent your goals and inspire you, then turn them into a collage. You can save it as your computer wallpaper or hang it somewhere in your house where you will see it often.

Be Willing To Make Sacrifices
When you have big goals, there will most likely have to be some changes to your everyday life in order for you to reach them. That can mean less time with friends, longer work hours, or cutting back on small everyday luxuries you’re accustomed to. Don’t underestimate the amount of effort that will need to go into successfully achieving your goals.
Know There May Be Setbacks
No matter how careful and thorough your planning is, unexpected situations can always pop up. Even though setbacks are discouraging, don’t let them completely derail you from your goals. Try and use these times as a chance to look back and view how far you’ve come, as well as an opportunity to learn and grow.
Take Small Breaks
Being relentless in the pursuit of your dreams is a good thing. Until it’s not, sometimes taking small breaks from your goals can be necessary to avoid burnout. Stressing yourself out or working towards exhaustion isn’t going to do you any good. So when necessary, take a break so you can recharge and come back feeling motivated.
Believe In Yourself
There will most likely be times that you’ll doubt yourself or what you’re trying to achieve. Trying to keep a positive attitude during these rough patches is way easier said than done. But during these moments of doubt, be careful to avoid negative self-talk and instead replace it with positive affirmations. Remember that you are getting closer to reaching your goals one step at a time. And take a moment to express gratitude for the good things in your life, then tell yourself, “I got this, and I’ll always find a way!”
Celebrate The Wins
It’s important to celebrate all the small wins along the way to reaching your goals. Taking the time to acknowledge your work and celebrate your achievements will boost your self-esteem and keep you excited and motivated to take on the next task.
Xx Monti