Easy Strategies For Achieving Your New Years Goals
At the beginning of a new year, most people, including myself, start looking at their lives and thinking about their next big steps. Taking this time to think about life can help you determine what you want and what’s truly important to you. It can give you a sense of purpose to direct your time and energy. Unfortunately, most people give up on their resolutions and goals by the end of the first month, with only 8% of people actually achieving their goals.
Successful goal setting starts with figuring out your specific goals and then planning out the realistic steps you’ll take to achieve them. So, here are some easy strategies to help you set and achieve your personal goals for the new year.
How To Set Goals For The New Year
Imagine Your Future
When was the last time you sat down to think about what you really wanted from life? The first step to setting your goals is to envision what you want your future life to look like. Once you know what you want from life, you can start figuring out what steps you need to take to achieve that life.
Making a vision board or dream board is a fun and creative way to make a visual representation of your future life. I like to make one every year and use it as my computer wallpaper. That way I’m constantly being reminded of the dreams I’m working towards. If you would like to make your own vision board but are unsure how to, here is a great easy-to-follow tutorial.
Write It Down
After you figure out what goals you’d like to achieve this year, it’s time to write them down. When writing down your goals, use positive wording and be very specific about your goals. Throughout the year, you’ll be able to review your notes to ensure you are on the right track. It’s also helpful to post your notes somewhere you’ll see them often as a reminder and motivation to keep going. I have my goals posted on a large bulletin board in my closet. I read over them every morning as I prepare to start the day.
Set Goals You Can Control
A hard fact of life is that somethings are completely out of your control. If you set goals that depend on other people or external factors that you have no control over, you might be setting yourself up for failure. When planning out your own goals, it’s important to be honest and realistic with yourself on what you can be directly responsible for.
Make Goals Very Specific
Saying you want to own your own house or travel the world is a nice dream. Saying you’ll save $10,000 this year towards the down payment or travel next year is a goal. You need to be specific in what the goal is; that way, you know when you have reached it. Giving yourself a set timeline will also help you set the pace and keep you on track to reaching that goal.
Breakdown Goals Into Blocks
Setting large goals for yourself is important but can also be daunting and overwhelming. That’s why breaking up big goals into smaller, more attainable goals is important. Write down your ultimate goal, and underneath that, write out the steps you need to take that will eventually lead you to the actual goal. Accomplishing these smaller, more attainable goals will give you a sense of pride and achievement. This, in turn, will keep you motivated and focused on your long-term goals.
Take Action
Once you have all your goals figured out and broken down into short-term steps, it’s time to get to work! Goals aren’t going to be reached on their own, so it’s important to set aside specific time for goals. If you’re trying to save money once a week, you can review your budget and see if there are any areas you can improve. If you have a fitness goal, set aside time daily to exercise or plan your meals. Every minute and ounce of effort you spend will bring you closer to reaching your goals.
Be Selective Who You Share Your Goals With
Talking to a friend, family member, or colleague about your resolutions can be very helpful in reaching your goals. But I would suggest being selective with whom you share your goals with. Unfortunately, not everyone in life is going to be your cheerleader. And the last thing anyone needs when trying to achieve their goals is negative talk that could derail you. Be sure your confidants are people you trust and will support you and hold you accountable.
Keep Track Of Your Objectives
It’s important to check in and keep track of your progress periodically. This way, you can see how close you are to reaching your objectives. Seeing how far you’ve come can help keep you motivated if you’re doing well. Or it can give you an idea of where you need to make adjustments if you are unhappy with your progress.
Celebrate Your Successes
Make a habit of celebrating all your wins. Recognizing the time, hard work, and dedication you put into reaching a short-term goal will keep you motivated to reach the big goals. And don’t be shy about sharing your accomplishments! You should feel proud of yourself, and real friends will be happy for you too.
Xx Monti