Self Love Bucket List
Self-love could be described as an appreciation of one’s own worth. Or as having the proper regard for and attention to one’s own happiness and well-being.
Sounds simple and straightforward enough, but what might be right for one person won’t be for another. And even though people generally understand the concept, many people struggle with practicing self-care and self-love.
Therefore, I’m sharing my self-love bucket list with the hope that it will inspire someone to start some self care practices of their own. Or to add some of these care ideas to their own existing list!
Why Is Self Love Important?
Life is stressful, and there are demands on our time coming from so many different directions. So, taking time for ourselves can feel selfish and leave us with feelings of guilt. But I believe that the more stressful life is, the more important it is for us to take some time to practice self-care. When we feel taken care of and mentally relaxed, we can take better care of the people we love and feel recharged and ready for our work.
Self Love Bucket List
Are you looking for inspirational ideas to add to your self-love bucket list? Look no further; below are plenty of fun, relaxing, and exciting ideas to explore on your journey to self-love.

Self Love Activities
Watch The Sunrise
Watching the sunrise is one of the most peaceful ways to start the day. The house is quiet. The city is quiet, and it’ll probably be some of the most peaceful moments of the day. Take a few minutes to practice gratitude for the good things in your life, both big and small. Doing so can positively impact how we feel the rest of the day.
Create A Meaningful Morning Routine
A meaningful morning routine can help foster good habits that will set you up for success in life. Creating a morning routine may require waking up earlier if you have children or a busy work schedule. But it’s time that’s set aside just for. And you get to decide what practices will help empower you to be the best version of yourself.
My morning routine looks like this. Wake up at 6 am. Drink a large glass of water. Then I brush my teeth and Gua Sha my face. After that, I make a cup of tea and journal for about 20 minutes. Lastly, I list the top 6 things I need to finish for the day. This list is always in the notes on my phone. I update it daily and check items off as I get them done throughout the day. I usually spend an hour doing all this in the morning. By then, Rama usually wakes up and requires my full attention. I’m always grateful to start out the day in silence, organizing my thoughts and doing something for myself.
Spend Time Journaling
Journaling has many benefits, which include calming and clearing the mind. Letting go of negative thoughts, reducing stress, promoting and enhancing your creativity, and the list goes on and on. Sometimes, it’s hard to sit and write. If you don’t feel like you have much you want to write about, start with writing that. Just get your pen moving, and it will get easier the more you do it. My daily journaling began after reading The Artist’s Way.
Spend Time In Nature
Being in nature is a great way to reset. Simply sitting or walking by water can induce a calming and even meditative state. Fresh air and sunshine can help energize us. And being away from the hustle of the city can help clear our minds and leave us feeling more grounded.
If you can’t actually leave the city, try walking on the beach, picnicking in the park, or gardening in your yard.

Take Yourself On a Date
Put makeup on and get dressed up for yourself, or don’t! Have an evening that’s all about you. A lot of times, people feel strange going to eat by themselves or going to the movies on their own. I did the first few times I went out on my own at night! Not only do I love it now, but it’s also something I always look forward to doing. Don’t get me wrong, I’ll always enjoy going out with friends. However, sometimes it’s nice to not worry about anyone else and just do your own thing. And at the end of a long week or month, an evening to myself, doing the things I love is a real treat. Here is a list of fun solo date ideas!
- Go to the movies
- Take a cooking class
- Go to a comedy show
- Spend the day at the mall
- Go rollerskating
- Visit a flower field
- Go thrifting
- Enjoy a delicious brunch
Have a Spa Day
Before my son was born, I tried to make a spa date every few months, either with friends or solo. It’s not always necessary to book an expensive treatment either. Most of the time, I’d pay for a day pass and use all the amenities like the sauna, steam room, and jacuzzi.
Since I haven’t been able to do that in a while, I try my best to have a spa day at home. Create a relaxing atmosphere in your own bathroom. Light some scented candles or use an essential oil like lavender or eucalyptus in an aromatherapy diffuser. Create a relaxing vibe and take a hot bath or a long shower. At least once a week, spend some time pampering yourself. Do a face mask or hair mask, unplug from social media, and listen to some relaxing music. Try your best to block out the stresses of real life for a short period of time. You’ll never regret it.
Buy Yourself Flowers
I’m a firm believer in buying yourself flowers on the regular. A fresh bouquet of flowers is an easy way to enhance your surroundings with color and a lovely fragrance. Not only will they be a reminder of self-love, but research shows that fresh flowers make you more content, more optimistic, and happier overall. Or ignore the research and buy flowers because they’re pretty and help you feel good about life and yourself.
Create a Playlist
Make a playlist of your favorite songs for every mood. I have a slow and relaxing playlist that I love to listen to while I do my hair and makeup. And another one that always helps me when I feel stressed or need to chill out. You can also create a playlist of meditation music or songs that inspire you and make you happy. No matter the mood, you’ll have the perfect songs queued and ready for you!

Read A Book
Reading has many benefits and has been shown to help memory, empathy, and communication skills and reduce stress. And it’s no wonder. No matter your reading preferences, be it romance, sci-fi, or non-fiction, what can be less stressful than spending a leisurely day absorbed in a novel?
Unplug From Social Media
Spending hours scrolling through multiple social media apps throughout the day is addicting. Although it may seem like a harmless way to pass the time, research shows otherwise. Studies show that the more time that is spent on social media sites, the more likely you are to develop depression. Try spending a day or, better yet, a weekend without going on your phone to check your apps. You may find that you’re much happier when the constant comparison of hundreds of people’s lives to yours stops. I know I feel a lot better!
Practice Gratitude
Expressing gratitude has been shown to improve your mood, sleep, and mental health and boost your immune system. A simple way to practice cultivating a grateful mindset is by starting the day by writing down three things you’re grateful for. I also like to end the day by writing down the highlights of my day and any lessons I learned. This is the Gratitude journal I write in every single day.
Develop a Skincare Routine
If you’ve spent any time reading the Beauty Section of this blog, then I’m sure you won’t be surprised to learn that developing a skincare routine is my favorite item on my self-love bucket list. I think a skincare ritual is a beautiful way to show love to yourself with internal and external benefits.

Visit Your Favorite Cafe
It’s hard to think of a more pleasant way to spend the morning than by enjoying a cup of coffee with a friend at a favorite cafe. Free time can be hard to come by between work, family, and the rest of life’s responsibilities. I think that’s why taking some time to enjoy a drink while you chat with a friend, read a book, or people-watch is so special.
Because meditation helps calm the mind and quiet anxious thoughts and feelings, it’s a practice I’ve been trying to develop. Meditating has also been shown to improve sleep, help control pain, reduce stress, help control anxiety, improve self-image, and more. Using a guided mediation app or YouTube video can be helpful for beginners. I’ve been using the Calm App.
Take Up A Hobby
A creative hobby is a form of self-care that’s all about doing something you enjoy for fun! It can also be an artistic outlet you might not otherwise get in daily life. Think of what you liked to do as a child, like paint or playing an instrument. Life tends to be more enjoyable when there is more play and less work.
Take Accountability
There are many negative things that can happen in life that are not our fault. But the only person in the entire world responsible for your healing and self-growth is yourself. I have found that learning from my mistakes and taking responsibility for the way I react in every situation has allowed me to understand and start loving myself on a more genuine level. It’s not always easy, but I truly believe it’s worth it.

Go For A Long Walk
Walking is an enjoyable, stress-free form of self-care. Not only is the exercise good for you, but it can also help alleviate depression and fatigue, aid digestion, and boost your mood.
Daily Affirmations
Start each day with words of encouragement and positivity. Remind yourself of your worth and capabilities through affirmations like “I am enough” or “I deserve love and happiness.” Affirmations can transform your mindset and boost self-confidence, paving the way for a more fulfilling and empowered life.
Setting Boundaries
Honor your own needs and prioritize your well-being by establishing healthy boundaries in your relationships. Communicate openly and assertively about your limits, and don’t be afraid to say no when something doesn’t align with your values or goals. Boundaries create space for self-respect and authentic connections with others.
Practice Forgiveness
Release the weight of resentment and grudges by practicing forgiveness. This doesn’t mean condoning hurtful behavior but rather letting go of negative emotions that only hold you back. Forgiving yourself and others frees you from the past and allows you to move forward with compassion and healing.

Acts of Kindness
Spread love and positivity by lending a helping hand to others. Volunteer your time, offer a listening ear to a friend in need, or perform random acts of kindness for strangers. Giving back not only makes a difference in the lives of others but also fills your heart with warmth and fulfillment.
Personal Development
Invest in your growth and self-discovery journey through learning and exploration. Dive into books that inspire and challenge you, attend workshops or seminars that expand your horizons, and seek out mentors who can guide you along the way. Embracing personal development empowers you to unlock your full potential and create your desired life.
Other Ideas To Add To Your Bucket List
- Take A Trip
- Connect With a Friend
- Take a Nap
- Tidy Up Your Space
Daily Self Love Affirmations
These are my favorite affirmations for self-love. Some positive affirmations I say daily and others when I’m feeling down.
- I am grateful for everything I have in my life.
- I attract loving and supportive people into my life.
- I have endless potential.
- I appreciate everything my body does for me. (When I need to remember to love my body.)
I have found that repeating a self worth affirmation really helps me when I have a lot of doubt in my abilities. I would love to know some of your favorite affirmations if you’d like to share them below!
In the end
At the end of the day, we all want to feel loved and appreciated. We’re so used to looking for validation from outside sources. And it is nice to be appreciated for who we are and what we do. However, the sooner we can really start to appreciate and truly love ourselves, the better off we’ll be!
Remember, self-love is a journey, not a destination. Start out with a few ideas from this list and continue to add to your self-love bucket list as you go. Challenge yourself, step out of your comfort zone, and celebrate your growth along the way. You deserve happiness!
Please share any thoughts or items you think should be added to this list below!
Xx Monti
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