How To Quickly Depuff Your Face in the Morning
If you ever wake up with a puffy face that leaves you feeling less than refreshed, you already know how frustrating it can be. Believe it or not, it’s a common issue that affects a lot of people for various reasons. The good news is there are a lot of things you can do to help depuff your face and start your day feeling and looking your best.
How To Quickly Depuff Your Face in the Morning
In this article, we’ll dive into the typical culprits behind morning facial swelling, from sneaky sources like salt to common causes like dehydration and even your sleep position. You’ll also learn some practical tips to depuff your face so that you can begin waking up feeling your best. So, get ready to uncover the shocking truth about why your face is puffy every morning. By knowing what is causing your puffiness and incorporating these tips into your daily routine, you’ll quickly see the difference for yourself. Best of all, you’ll soon be saying goodbye to a puffy morning face.
What Causes Puffy Face In The Morning
Excessive Salt
A sneaky culprit that will contribute to facial swelling is salt. Eating foods that are high in sodium can cause your body to retain water, leading to a bloated and puffy appearance. The good news is that this problem can easily be fixed or prevented altogether by making smarter food and drink choices.
In addition to salty foods, dehydration can also contribute to facial swelling in the morning. In the early stages of dehydration, your body actually holds onto water to ensure it has enough fluids to function properly. As water is drawn into blood vessels, they begin to swell, leading areas of the body (especially the face) to become bloated and puffy.
Your Sleeping Position
Everyone has a favorite sleeping position, but it could be the cause of your puffy face. It turns out that the position you sleep in can significantly impact the appearance of your face when you wake up.
Sleeping on your stomach can cause fluid to accumulate in your face, leading to puffiness. Your head is often turned to one side when you lie on your stomach. Resting one side of your face on the pillow for an extended period can cause fluid to accumulate in that area. This can lead to puffiness as well as noticeable wrinkles over time. The same thing happens when you sleep on your side.
Drinking Alcohol
While it’s no secret that drinking alcohol can cause dehydration, you may not realize that it can also lead to a puffy face the next morning. Alcohol’s diuretic effect causes your skin to lose fluid and nutrients that are essential for healthy-looking skin. This can make your skin look either wrinkled, dull, and grey or cause blood vessels in your face to dilate. The latter leads to increased fluid retention and puffiness. Additionally, alcohol disrupts your sleep by suppressing rapid eye movement, or REM sleep. The lack of sleep will lead you to feel even worse in the morning.

While we all love that morning cup of coffee or tea, which can be a great way to start your day, it’s important to recognize the potential downsides of drinking it. Because caffeine is a diuretic, it can cause dehydration and fluid loss contributing to facial swelling. In addition to its diuretic effects, caffeine can also increase stress hormones, which can also lead to inflammation and puffiness in the face.
Food Allergy or Intolerance
Eating or drinking foods that you have an allergy or intolerance to can cause facial swelling. Symptoms caused by food allergies tend to develop quickly after consuming the food. While symptoms caused by a food intolerance often take 12 to 24 hours to develop. This makes it harder to pinpoint the food item you’re having a reaction to, as well as explain why you can go to bed feeling good but wake up with a puffy face.
Bloating before your period is a common symptom of premenstrual syndrome. Hormones surge during different parts of your menstrual cycle and can cause fluid retention. Water retention typically declines rapidly as your period progresses and the swelling subsides. To help reduce bloating before your period, limit salty foods and increase natural diuretics (e.g., spinach, asparagus, watermelon, cucumber, and garlic). Cutting out sugar and refined carbohydrates, as well as exercise, has been shown to help.
Hormonal Imbalance
Having an underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism) can lead to swelling around the eyes. However, not everyone with hypothyroidism experiences this symptom, as it is most common in advanced hypothyroidism. Checking your thyroid may be worth looking into if you constantly wake up with puffiness in this area.
Facial swelling can be a side effect of some common medications, like ACE inhibitors for high blood pressure and steroid drugs, such as prednisone.
What Is Depuffing
Depuffing is any element of your skincare routine that helps reduce facial puffiness. And luckily, there are numerous fairly quick and easy ways that can help you say goodbye to a puffy, swollen face in the morning. Now that you understand some of the common causes of morning facial swelling, it’s time to take action! By incorporating depuffing tools and possibly making a few lifestyle adjustments, you’ll be able to reduce, if not outright banish, your puffy face.

How To Fix Puffy Face In The Morning
Get Enough Sleep Each Night
As you sleep, your body produces chemicals that keep inflammation at bay. A lack of sleep disrupts the way those chemicals are produced and triggers an inflammatory response. Aim for seven to eight hours of sleep each night to avoid waking up with an inflamed or puffier-than-normal face. Read 10 Tips For A Better Night’s Sleep for some helpful recommendations.
Reduce Your Salt Intake
Salt intake can be particularly problematic if you’re indulging in salty snacks and processed foods late at night. Going to sleep shortly after you eat won’t allow enough time for your body to process the excess salt before you go to bed. To reduce puffiness in the morning, try and limit your salt intake and opt for low-sodium options when possible. You may also want to avoid eating anything too close to bedtime. That will give your body time to digest everything before you lay down. Being mindful of salt intake can help keep your face fresh and radiant every morning.
Choose Caffeine Wisely
It’s important to be mindful of your caffeine intake and stay hydrated throughout the day. Drinking plenty of water and limiting the amount of caffeine you consume, especially later in the day, will reduce your risk of facial swelling and improve your sleep and overall well-being.
Choose caffeinated skincare products instead. Skincare products infused with caffeine and the antioxidants in green tea constrict blood vessels, which helps reduce puffiness and swelling. Keep eye creams, serums, and face creams in the refrigerator to offer additional cooling benefits to the skin.
Limit Alcohol Consumption
If you want to avoid morning facial swelling, it’s best to limit your alcohol consumption, especially before bed. Opt for non-alcoholic beverages or limit yourself to one drink at social events. Your face (and your liver) will thank you.
Facial Massage
You can also use your hands to massage your face and help lymphatic drainage. Start by applying facial oil to your hands. Then use gentle but firm pressure as you sweep over your skin towards the lymph nodes in front and behind the ears, then down your neck.
Facial Roller
Out of all the facial tools you can buy, a simple face roller is perhaps the best option, especially when you use it cold. Rolling one across your face towards the jawline and in front of the ears helps move excess fluid toward the lymph nodes, where it can be carried away.
You can find facial rollers made from plastic, metal, and various crystals. However, Jade rollers are especially good because the stone retains the cold so well. Store your rollers in the freezer so they’re ready to use in the morning.
Find Your Food Allergy
It’s no secret that what we eat can affect our overall health, but certain foods can also contribute to facial inflammation and bloating. The easiest way to treat a food allergy or intolerance is to eliminate the offending food/s from the diet. Sometimes, the body can tolerate the food if it is avoided for a time, then reintroduced in small doses, particularly for food intolerances.
In addition to high levels of sodium, processed foods, and sugar-laden treats are also culprits that can lead to puffiness and inflammation.
Stay Hydrated
Staying properly hydrated throughout the day can help reduce facial swelling and other symptoms of dehydration. Make sure you’re drinking plenty of water, and consider adding hydrating foods like watermelon, cucumber, and coconut water to your diet as well. Trust me; your face will thank you.
Gua Sha
This ancient Chinese practice involves using a smooth-edged tool to gently scrape the skin in upward motions. The pressure helps stimulate blood circulation and lymphatic drainage as well as unknot any fascia or muscle tension, thus reducing puffiness and promoting a more vibrant appearance.
To try Gua Sha at home, you’ll need a Gua Sha tool and some facial oil to help the tool glide smoothly across your skin. Start by applying a small amount of oil to your face, then use the tool to gently glide or “scrape” your skin in upward motions. It’s important to use gentle pressure and avoid applying too much force, as this can cause redness or irritation.
Elevate Your Head While You Sleep
So, what’s the best sleeping position if you want to avoid waking up with a puffy face? Although this might be hard to get used to if you’re a stomach or side sleeper, experts recommend sleeping on your back. Consider sleeping with an extra pillow to elevate your head. This position encourages lymphatic drainage, improving circulation and preventing fluid from accumulating in your face overnight.
Undereye Masks
Using a cooling eye mask is a great way to target puffiness under the eyes. They can also help soothe tired and strained eyes and add some welcome hydration.
Store eye masks in the refrigerator so they stay nice and cold. Apply them to your eyes for up to 20 minutes in the morning. The cooling sensation will help constrict the blood vessels and reduce inflammation in this delicate area. Try this refreshing solution for a quick and easy way to depuff your face and feel more awake in the morning.
Ice Water
Giving your face an ice bath will instantly constrict blood vessels, reduce swelling on your entire face, and tighten skin. No extra tools needed. Simply fill a clean sink or large bowl with cold water and drop in a large amount of ice cubes. Let the water sit for a few minutes to get really cold before submerging your face.
Facial Cupping
Consider trying facial cupping as an unconventional yet effective solution for a puffy morning face. This ancient Chinese technique involves using small cups to create a suction effect on the skin, which can help increase blood flow, stimulate lymphatic drainage, and reduce inflammation. The suction created by the facial cups helps to loosen any adhesions in the muscles and stimulate blood flow. This is one of my favorite ways to de puff, tone, and sculpt my face.
To try facial cupping at home, you’ll need a set of facial cups and some facial oil. Start by applying a good amount of oil to your face. Then, starting from the middle of your face, use the cups to glide across your face, working slightly upwardly. It’s important to use gentle pressure and avoid leaving the cups in one area for too long, as this can create bruising or irritation.

Saying Goodbye To Your Puffy Face
In conclusion, waking up with a puffy face can be a frustrating experience. However, by understanding the underlying causes of facial swelling, you can take practical steps to reduce puffiness and achieve a refreshed appearance. As you implement these tips, remember that consistency is key, and taking care of your body and practicing healthy habits can benefit you both physically and mentally. Now that you have this issue under control, you can read Easy Ideas For An Overnight Glow Up for some more great skincare tips.
By incorporating these tips into your daily routine, you can say goodbye to morning facial swelling and hello to a healthier, happier, and less puffy you.