Best Fresh Juice Recipes
Juicing is a popular health trend because of its ability to help people get vital nutrients into their diets quickly and easily. But did you know that it can also give your body a powerful boost in terms of immunity, energy levels, and even weight loss? Juicing is a great way to increase your daily intake of vegetables, which studies have found can help to reduce the risk of chronic diseases like diabetes, heart disease, and even some types of cancer. With this in mind, it’s easy to see why people explore the benefits of juicing.
Today I’m going over my favorite fresh juice recipes I drink throughout the year that keep me healthy in a delicious and convenient way.
Best Fresh Juice Recipes
Having a glass of fresh-pressed juice is an amazing way to start the day. Homemade juices from fresh fruits and vegetables are packed with vitamins, minerals, and beneficial enzymes.
Enzymes are alive in all raw organic produce. But these enzymes begin to die off with time, heat, and stress. That means that many of the benefits of pressed juice are gone by the time you buy one off a store shelf.
Smoothies typically use a milk or yogurt product to blend the fruit, are much thicker, and contain many more calories. Because it has few calories while still providing a lot of nutrients, a juice cleanse is an easy way to start off a healthier lifestyle. Although juicing provides many different health benefits, it’s also a great way to help with weight loss and maintain a healthy weight. And because the fruit and veggie combinations are pretty much endless, it’s almost impossible to get bored with it.

Types Of Juicers
There are mainly two different juicers people buy for their home use. The centrifugal juicer works by spinning a fine blade that shreds the fruits and veggies. The pulp is separated and pushed out of the machine while the juice is strained into your cup. Centrifugal juicers tend to be easier to take apart and clean and put back together again. This Breville Juicer is the one I personally use at home.
A masticating juicer is the other main juicer used. It works by basically chewing up the produce to a very dry pulp. These juicers run at a much slower speed, so it takes longer to make a glass of juice, but there is also less waste. Masticating juicers tend to be a bit pricier. So if you’re shopping for a new juicer, that’s something to consider when choosing the right one.
Below are some of the ingredients I like to use, their health benefits, and a few of my favorite juicing recipes.
- Fresh Ginger has high anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Ginger is also helpful in reducing nausea and bloating.
- Lemons and Limes are both high in vitamin C. They are good for circulation and cut the flavor of other veggies.
- Cucumbers are mellow and help balance out the taste of stronger vegetables. Mainly composed of water and minerals like silica, they are especially hydrating and beneficial in achieving beautiful skin. They make a great base for most vegetable juices.
- Mint is cooling and refreshing and can be used to enhance the flavor of your juice and mask the flavor of some stronger-flavored vegetables.

Carrot Apple and Ginger Juice
The combination of carrots and apples with ginger is absolutely delicious in this super easy juice recipe. This juice is loaded with vitamins and minerals. The vitamin A from the carrots offers crucial benefits for eye health as well as helps protect your skin from the sun. Ginger offers many health benefits, including reducing inflammation, treating nausea and motion sickness, and aiding digestion.
- 2 tsp ginger
- 1 cup orange juice
- 1.5 cup carrot juice
- 1.5 cup apple juice
- Thoroughly wash your fruits and veggies before use. Chop the ginger, carrots, and apples into large pieces and run through the juicer.
- Squeeze the oranges separately and then combine the orange juice with the rest of the other juice. Stir and enjoy!
Lemon Ginger Beet Juice Recipe
The flavors of tart lemon and sweet beet blend together wonderfully in this juice combination. Beets are high in potassium and also provide iron, magnesium, manganese, sodium, copper, selenium, and zinc.
- 1 cucumber
- 2 medium beets
- 1 lemon
- 1-inch piece of ginger
- Leave the peel on the beets, but scrub them very well. Trim the tops off the beets, then chop them into small chunks. Wash and chop the cucumber and ginger as well.
- Pass all the veggies through the juicer. Either remove the lemon peel and pass the peeled lemon through the juicer or juice by hand.

Apple Celery And Cucumber Juice
I make this juice at home more than any other. It’s very light and refreshing with a spicy kick. Celery contains high levels of antioxidants and enzymes. It’s also and packed with essential vitamins and minerals, including folate, vitamin B6, potassium, vitamin K, and vitamin C. The apple and lemon make this juice a lot more enjoyable.
- 1 cucumber
- 1/2 celery bunch
- 1 apple
- 2-inch piece of ginger
- 1 lemon
Cucumber And Watermelon Juice
One of my favorite fresh juice recipes is this cucumber watermelon juice that is perfect on a hot summer day. It’s refreshing, hydrating, full of minerals, and delicious! Besides being super hydrating, cucumbers are an amazing source of vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K, silicon, sulfur, manganese, magnesium, potassium, and phosphorus. Fresh cucumber juice provides great health benefits for both your skin and hair.
- 1 cup cucumber juice
- 2 cups watermelon juice
- 4 tbsp. mint leaves
- 2 tea. lemon juice
- ice
- Remove the watermelon from the rind. Cut the cucumber and watermelon into large chunks. Juice the melon, cucumber, and mint, then pour into a large pitcher.
- Squeeze the lemon juice with a hand juicer and add to the melon juice.
- Keep cold in the refrigerator and serve with ice.
How Long Does Fresh Juice Last In The Fridge?
You may be wondering how long does fresh juice last. Fresh juice lasts in the fridge for about 72 hours when stored properly. To ensure optimal taste and freshness, consuming the juice as soon as possible is recommended, as nutrient content and flavor quality diminish after the first 24 hours. Storing fresh juice in a mason jar or an airtight container is best.
In conclusion, incorporating fresh juice into your routine is an amazing way to consume more real food in your diet. Fresh juice delivers an abundance of health benefits that are essential for a healthy lifestyle. Juicing provides vitamins and minerals needed for a balanced diet, boosts your immune system, aids digestion, and removes toxins from your body.
With the knowledge of how beneficial fresh pressed juice can be to your diet and lifestyle, it is clear to see that it deserves more recognition. I would even say that a good green juice recipe could be your not-so-secret weapon for a healthier lifestyle! Which one of these recipes looks the best to you? If you make one at home, please let me know in the comments below how you like it!
Xx Monti
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