5 Steps To Summer Ready Feet
The long winter months can be very harsh on our feet. The cold, dry weather can cause the skin on your feet to become rough with callouses and even deep cracks in the heels and bottoms of your feet. Since our feet are usually covered in socks and closed-toed shoes, they are kinda “out of sight, out of mind.”
And then the weather starts to warm up, and it’s sandal season! We’re ready to replace our sneakers and boots with some little flip-flops, open-backed heels, and strappy sandals. The only problem is our feet look a mess! But no worries, I’m sharing my 5 Steps to summer sandal-ready feet. This is precisely what I always do to keep my feet looking good year-round and keep potential foot problems at bay. It’ll also have your feet looking ready for summer in no time!
5 Steps For Summer Ready Feet

Step 1.
Once a month, try and get a pedicure. It really is a nice treat to have someone take care of you. But the callous removal treatments they can do at nail salons work wonders. Also, getting your toenails cut, shaped, and painted with your favorite shade of nail polish is an excellent incentive to keep up the daily care.
If a monthly nail salon visit is not an option, soak your feet at home. Simply fill a large tub or the bath with enough hot water to fully cover your feet. You can create a relaxing foot soak by adding a few tablespoons of bath salts and essential oils. Let your feet soak for at least 15 minutes or longer if you have the extra free time. This will help soften any dry patches and make it much easier to remove calluses with a foot file or pumice stone. Then carefully trim your nails straight across and paint them if you like.
Step 2.
Every day while you’re in the shower, spend an extra 2 minutes scrubbing your feet with a pumice stone. This will help to gradually remove any tough calluses and smooth out any dry, cracked areas. It will also help to prevent new ones from forming. These few minutes of preventive care really go a long way!
Step 3.
Immediately after your shower, pat your feet dry with a towel and then slather on a good thick cream that targets extra dry skin. My favorite is Ultra Repair Cream by First Aid Beauty.
Step 4.
Right after the first cream goes on, follow that with a layer of Aquaphor. This will seal in the moisture from the shower and the first layer of foot cream.
Step 5.
Lastly, slip on some socks. I have my socks out and near me, ready to put on as soon as I layer on the Aquaphor. That way, I don’t track a greasy mess all over my bathroom floor and bedroom rug. You can keep the socks on for the rest of the day. Or just while you finish getting ready and you’re walking around the house. Then take them off and wear your sandals out, and your feet will be very well moisturized.
If you’re able to sleep with socks on, you could also do this at night, and you’ll wake up with extra happy feet.
I hope you find these tips helpful! As I said, these are the steps I take year-round to make sure that my feet stay cool and look cute while enjoying the hot summer months.
Xx Monti
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