Tips For Staying Healthy During The Holidays
The holiday season is stressful in one way or another for pretty much everyone. Traveling is already stressful enough, but around the holidays, there are more people on the move, the price of everything goes up and people are extra irritable. Some people are feeling extra lonely or really missing loved ones right now. And others are feeling anxiety trying to figure out buying gifts on an already tight budget. With the increase of stress and pressure, it’s extra important to be mindful of our health. I think we all know the basics already. Frequent hand washing, don’t drink and drive, and bundle up and stay warm. But beyond those, here are some tips for staying healthy during the holidays.
Tips For Staying Healthy During The Holidays
Everything In Moderation
Feeling guilty for enjoying more than your usual amount of sweets and treats isn’t helping you. Instead of placing foods on the naughty list, go for your absolute favorites and leave the rest of the high-carb foods alone. It’s way more satisfying to sit down and mindfully enjoy a slice of pie, rather than snack on treats you don’t really love. And if you do slip up and overindulge, just get back to your healthy habits for the next meal.

Stay Hydrated
In the colder winter months, we feel less thirsty and tend to stop monitoring the amount of water we drink. However, the amount of water our bodies need mostly remains the same as other times of the year. Along with the holidays, usually comes an increase in alcohol consumption. Without monitoring the amount of water you drink, you can quickly become dehydrated since alcohol is a diuretic. Not drinking enough water will lead to lower energy levels, headaches, and a lower immune system. One last thing to mention is that if you’re very busy or distracted, the body’s thirst signals may be misinterpreted as hunger signals, which will lead to overeating.
Keep Moving
With all the extra items on a daily to-do list, working out is often the first thing to be set aside. But it’s important not to give up on this daily habit, especially during this time of year. Daily exercise, helps reduce stress, boosts your immune system, and can help make up for the extra treats we usually indulge in during the holidays. Taking a nice walk is also something that can be done with the whole family, for everyone’s benefit.

Take Your Vitamins
In a perfect world, we’d all be eating the ideal diet that provides us with all the vitamins and nutrients for optimal health. But we’re not. So let’s just do ourselves a favor and pop a few extra vitamins. Especially right now when it’s cold and flu season. We’re spending more time indoors, in close contact with lots of people. And with the added stress of traveling, shopping, and holiday events, keeping up with nutritional supplements can make a big difference.
Do Less
It’s ok to say no if you’re really not up to doing something. Being in the holiday spirit can sometimes lead to overcommitting your time and energy. Reduce your stress by deciding what events or activities are most important to you, and then don’t feel guilty about declining the rest. Feeling rundown and exhausted isn’t doing your health any favors.

Get Your Beauty Sleep
Holiday parties and celebrations with friends and family usually mean late nights and less sleep. While getting the optimal 7-8 hours of sleep is ideal, that’s not always realistic. But the side effects of sleep deprivation pile up quickly. Lack of sleep leads to being easily irritable, increased forgetfulness, slower reaction times, and it weakens the immune system. Tiredness also leads to increased snacking. If your body can’t sleep to recover its energy, it will look to increase energy levels from food sources. Here are my 10 Tips For A Better Night’s Sleep.
I hope everyone enjoys a safe, happy, and healthy holiday season!
Xx Monti
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