Productive Morning Routine- 8 Tips For Starting the Day
You may wonder why having a morning routine is so important. What you do first thing in the morning, whether good or bad, will set the tone for the rest of the day. With enough repetition this series of activities become habits. And our daily habits determine the quality of our lives. A productive morning routine is essentially stacking good habits that help prepare our body and focus our mind to make the most out of the day. A morning routine should be tailored to your specific needs and goals, just because one person’s routine works for them, doesn’t mean it’s what will work best for you.
Below I’ll be going over some healthy habits you can consider when planning out your own productive morning routine. Whether you work from home, are a student, a stay-at-home parent, or spend your days in an office, a meaningful morning routine will help you stay focused on what’s most important each day and in life.
Productive Morning Routine
Plan Your Day The Night Before
Your morning ritual really starts the night before. When you spend time planning out certain aspects of your day the night before, you eliminate a lot of extra thought and stress from your morning. Start by writing down a list of your most important tasks. Knowing what you need to get done and structuring your day around that will greatly increase your productivity for the day.
Place your most important tasks at the top of your list and keep wring by order of importance. You can now focus on checking off your top priority items throughout the day. Set out your clothes for the next morning. Knowing exactly what you’re going to wear saves the time and stress of putting together an outfit before you start work. Place a large glass of water by your bed to drink as soon as you wake up. Taking a few minutes each night to plan for the day can help even the most motivated morning people be successful in their routines.
Waking Up At The Right Time
Contrary to what we often hear, you can have a productive morning routine without setting your alarm clock for 5 am. Waking up early and starting your day before the sun rises is great if you’re a morning person. However, if you’re a person who finds it difficult to fall asleep before midnight, it’s more important to get a good night’s sleep. You shouldn’t feel that you have to wake up early to be a productive person. Waking up at a later hour feeling refreshed is much more conducive to leading a productive morning. Everyone, night owls included, should aim for 8 hours of sleep for optimal productive performance.
Whatever time you set your alarm for, try and wake up at the same time every day to get your body used to that schedule. According to psychologist Ron Friedman we typically have about a three-hour window where we are most focused. After that our productivity levels begin to dip. So whatever time you wake up, be it 5 am or 10 am, take advantage of those first waking hours of the day.

Avoid Distractions
Avoid picking up your phone or turning on the tv first thing in the morning. It’s too easy to get lost in the endless scrolling of social media or get caught up with whatever is on the screen. Before you know it you’ve lost 30 minutes of time. If the temptation is too much for you, try leaving your phone in another room. Wait until you’ve gotten through your morning routine before going to check on it.
Make Your Bed
Making your bed first thing in the morning may seem like a small insignificant task, but it represents more than just tidying up your room. It’s a way to start each new day in an organized manner with a clean slate. When you make your bed every morning, you’re setting the intention to handle the tasks no matter how small, that bring about an orderly successful life. Believe it or not, making the bed first thing in the morning is listed as a habit that what are considered the “world’s most successful people” have in common. Checking this small task off your list also motivates you to accomplish your next tasks throughout the day. And lastly, jumping up and immediately making your bed also has the added benefit of helping you resist climbing back under the covers.
Drink Water
Starting your day with a large glass of water offers many benefits. While it’s tempting to reach for a cup of coffee or tea first thing, your body needs water and will thank you for the hydration. It’s been hours since you’ve last had water and caffeine is a diuretic. Drinking coffee first thing in the morning will further dehydrate you. Placing a carafe full of water and a glass on your bedside table is an easy way to ensure you drink lots of water as soon as you wake in the morning. Proper hydration will give you energy for the long day ahead and help support your digestive system. You can still enjoy your coffee afterward.

A mediation practice doesn’t have to be lengthy for it to be beneficial. And your personal meditation practice can be yoga, repeating positive affirmations, journaling, or listing things you’re grateful for. Whatever helps you get the most out of this special quiet time. The goal is to focus on yourself, your mental health, and what’s most important to you in life. If you can find the time to start the day with a mediation practice, it could help you gain a clearer vision of how to reach said goals.
Move Your Body
The best time of day to get in a workout is any time that you can be consistent with. However, morning workouts do offer some additional benefits. Morning workouts are much more likely to happen as opposed to midday or evening workouts. It’s much easier to keep a morning schedule because there are usually fewer conflicts or distractions this early in the day. Working out first thing can also set the tone for the rest of the day by helping you make healthier food choices. Regular exercise also helps boost energy, reduce fatigue, and increase alertness helping you feel more energized throughout the day.
If you have a time constraint in the morning or are simply not ready to break a sweat, going for a short walk, or stretching for a few minutes is also beneficial. Try and spend at least a few minutes every morning moving your body to help release any tension or stiffness. It will also help get your blood flowing leaving you feeling more awake and energized.
Eat A Healthy Meal
They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day. No matter if you’re a breakfast person or not, one thing for sure is certain. It’s hard to be productive on an empty stomach. Whatever time you break your fast, what’s most important is that it’s a healthy meal. The easiest way to ensure you eat a healthy breakfast is to plan your meals out in advance. Try to avoid white bread, pastries, cereals, and foods that are high in sugar. These types of food have very low nutritional value and will leave you feeling hungry again in no time. Instead aim to eat meals that focus on fruits, veggies, and healthy protein. This will fill you up and leave you satisfied until you’re next meal.

Starting a new morning routine isn’t always a walk in the park. It takes on average 66 days for new habits to form. Some days may be harder than others but in the end, it will be worth it.
"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit." Aristotle
Xx Monti
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