Mini Adventures

Mini Adventures…The beginning
As a child, growing up I was a big reader. I lived in a very small community that was pretty isolated in the the Sierra Nevada mountains. There weren’t a lot of people to hang out with, and there wasn’t always very much to do. There was only three tv channels, and the internet wasn’t really a thing yet! So I read. I filled my head with other peoples adventures and imagined all the far away destinations their stories took place in. I’d then go and recreate these mini adventures when I went out to play. The more I read, the longer my list of places I’d one day like to visit would grow.
When I was 15 years old I joined some friends on a 5 week trip to India. They were all either much older then me, or traveling with their parents. Even though we all saw each other everyday, everyone had different accommodations and I bounced around from friend to friend. For the most part no one was really paying attention to me. It’s still crazy to me that at 15 I went from my super sheltered life, to 5 weeks in a wild foreign country with only $200 in my pocket. It started with rickshaw rides through busy streets, being chased by monkeys and ended with almost dying of malaria. I don’t know how I managed to pull that off! Every moment was exciting and everyday an adventure. I learned lessons that shaped my view of the world and made new friends that I still talk to this day.
That was the first of many trips. And over the years I’ve been lucky to travel to many amazing places. But getting to spend months out of the year exploring the world is a dream that I’m still holding onto. I thought that I was actually at a point in life where that would very soon be a reality. My daughter is almost finished with high school and will soon be off to collage. But then the unexpected happened!
The New Adventure
Now with a one year old running around again, and a world pandemic shutting down international travel that dream feels very far away. So! I decided that my new “in the meantime goal” is to go on mini adventures at least once a month. If I’m lucky I’ll even get to spend the night away! But if I can’t make it on a solo trip, who knows…maybe Rama will endup making the best adventure buddy of them all!
One way or another I’m determined to see the world, and for now that can be parts of the world closer to home. So check back and see where I end up each month. I’ll leave some tips on where to eat and what to do in that area. I’d also love to hear if you have any suggestions for quick weekend trips somewhat close to the LA area. If so, please leave them in the comment section below!
Xx Monti

Sri krishnadas
Seems you have neglected to add that you have been getting out into some amazing “mini-adventures” in the Hills nearby. I think of the trees and deep forests, and then the cooling brooks running through.