DIY Oatmeal Lavender Bath Soak Recipe
It’s hard to beat unwinding in a hot bath at the end of a long day. But you can easily add in a few ingredients to further enhance your relaxation. Individually these ingredients each have amazing relaxing benefits. But when you combine them you can easily create the perfect at-home spa experience without the high price tag. So I’m sharing with you my favorite lavender oatmeal bath soak recipe. With so many amazing skin benefits and the ability to help melt away stress and muscle tension, this bath soak will help you make the most of your chill time!
Oatmeal Bath Soak Recipe
- 1 cup oats (old fashion or quick oats)
- 1 cup Epsom salts
- 20 drops lavender essential oil
- 10 drops tea tree oil
- A couple of tablespoons of fresh lavender buds (optional)
When added to hot bath oats create a protective barrier over the skin’s surface helping to seal in moisture. Therefore oats are very soothing and are used to alleviate irritated skin caused by multiple conditions including dry skin, itchy skin, eczema, psoriasis, and diaper rashes.
Epsom Salt
This bath salt has a very long list of reported benefits. It’s used on a widespread basis to provide relief from a number of conditions including itchy skin from poison oak or poison ivy, skin irritation, and inflammation. As well as stiff joints, muscle sprains, and soreness.
Lavender essential oil is popular for helping relieve mild symptoms of restlessness, insomnia, anxiety, and depression. It’s very calming, soothing, and has natural antiseptic properties that can help reduce inflammation, aches, and pains.
Tea Tree Oil
Can help treat body acne, fight Psoriasis, clear any fungal skin conditions as well as help heal any cuts.

Step 1
Grind the oats in a food processor or coffee grinder until you have a fine flour like texture.
Step 2
Mix the finely ground oats together with the rest of the ingredients in a large bowl until the oils are even distributed.
Step 3
Store in a glass jar and use one cup of mixture per bath.
Step 4
Pour the bath soak into the tub while it’s filling up so that the salts have time to dissolve.
Tip 1: Pour bath soak mixture into a muslin bag or a clean sock to reduce floating oatmeal flakes in the bath.
Tip 2: If you really want to nourish dry skin, add some goat milk to your bath as well. The lactic acid in the milk acts as a natural exfoliator and the fat and protein soothes dry skin. When mixed with colloidal oatmeal this bath soak does wonders for your skin.
Other essential oils for your skin
A comforting and warming essential oil that has a slightly medicinal scent that promotes restful sleep and a calm mind. it’s also popular with massage therapists for its effectiveness in reducing pain associated with muscle tightness as well as tension headaches.
Has antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory properties. It’s useful in treating skin conditions and providing relief from arthritis and sore muscles.
Known to help reduce anxiety. It also has antibacterial and antispasmodic properties that help fight minor infections and relieve abnormal muscle spasms, nerve pain, and fatigue.
Has a woody aroma that will help you feel grounded and relaxed. It’s also known for its ability to keep skin soft and supple.
Jojoba oil
Has anti-inflammatory properties. Adding some to your bath may help relieve dry itchy skin. People who have inflammatory skin conditions like psoriasis and eczema may find jojoba oil especially beneficial.

Ground oatmeal can make the tub very slippery so be careful climbing in and out. And if you have gluten sensitivity or celiac disease, you can use certified gluten-free oats.
I hope you try this bath soak recipe a try and love it as much as I do! And as always, let me know how you like it in the comments below!
Xx Monti
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