Benefits Of High Self-Esteem And 15 Ways To Boost It
Self-esteem may not be something that we think about very often. But personal self-esteem matters and has a great impact on the overall health and quality of a person’s life. That’s because self-esteem is the way we think and feel about our own qualities, characteristics, and abilities. And the benefits of healthy self-esteem impact all areas of life.
There is a link between low self-esteem and various mental health concerns, including anxiety, depression, eating disorders, antisocial behavior, and addiction. Although low self-esteem can affect people of all ages and genders, young adults tend to have lower self-esteem than older adults. And women, in general, have lower self-esteem than men. A person may only have low self-esteem issues in certain areas of life. Or it can be present and have negative effects in all areas of one’s day to day life.
Is High Self Esteem Good
On the other hand, people with high self-esteem tend to have greater career advancements, more positive body image, and healthier relationships. This is why, yes, having high self esteem is good for you. Mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
There are many different influences that combine to shape your self-esteem. The good news is that there are many things that you can do to build your self-esteem. Although building confidence in yourself and cultivating high self-esteem is by no means an easy task, it is entirely possible!
What is Self Esteem?
Before we get into the benefits of having good or positive self-esteem, let’s talk about what it is and the different kinds of self-esteem. According to the dictionary, the definition of self-esteem is confidence in one’s own worth or abilities. From the definition alone, I’m sure you can see some of the different ways having high self-esteem and a positive self-image can greatly impact your personal life. But more specifically, having a healthy level of positive self esteem is important to your quality of life.
The Three Kinds of Self-Esteem.
- Overly high self-esteem: Feeling superior to others. Overly self-confident people are often arrogant, self-indulgent, and exhibit feelings of entitlement.
- Low self-esteem: Having a lack of confidence and feeling inferior to others.
- Healthy self-esteem: Having a healthy, accurate, and balanced self-view.
Factors That Influence Self Esteem
Here are some factors that can influence our self-esteem positively or negatively. While I’ve included plenty of factors on this list, it’s important to note that there are tons of factors that can affect your self-esteem. And while some might improve your self-esteem (like having a great support group), some ways worsen it (like using social media to compare yourself to others). This list, however, includes the factors that seem to be most common in our society today.
- Social media
- Mental health issues
- Genetics
- Personality
- Learning difficulties
- Parents
- Friends and family
- Finances
- Age
- Life experiences
- Health
- Work environment
- Social circumstances
- Being good at a physical activity
Benefits Of High Self-Esteem And Ways To Boost It
You Can Be Yourself
People with high self-esteem also have a strong knowledge of who they are. Being able to be your authentic self means you are more likely to be able to live your life on your own terms.
Don’t Seek To Be Perfect
Striving always to be perfect is a major cause of stress. Having high self-esteem allows you to know that you’re not perfect and to be ok with that as long as you try your best.
More Successful Careers
With high self-esteem usually comes the ability to communicate one’s thoughts and feelings in a clear manner, especially when core beliefs and values are being challenged. Individuals with high self-esteem are also more likely to learn new skills and work on personal development. Both of these positive traits will have a positive impact on work-life success.
Are More Willing To Help Others
Individuals with high self-esteem are generally more willing to volunteer and give their time, energy, and resources to help others.
Ready To Accept New Challenges
If you have low self-esteem and are presented with new challenges, you tend to worry about failure before you even start. A person with high self-esteem will view challenges as a necessary part of growth and won’t avoid new experiences out of their comfort zone.
Improved Mental Health
People with a healthy sense of self-worth have a more positive outlook on life. This helps them cope with anxiety, frustration, stress, and other emotions that come up in daily life in a much healthier manner.
Forms Healthy Relationships
Being able to portray your authentic self makes it easier for people with higher self-esteem to meet new people and form positive relationships with others.
You’re More Resilient
Tough times are a part of life for everyone. But having a strong belief in yourself means you’re less likely to give up when facing challenges or things aren’t going as planned.
Decision-Making Skills
Someone with healthy self-esteem is more likely to feel positive about their own judgment when it comes to trying new things or making important and sometimes difficult decisions.
Better Physical Health
People with high self-esteem usually have good mental health, which causes less stress. This reduces the risks of stress-related illnesses like heart disease and high blood pressure. They also tend to look after their health by exercising more, drinking less, and eating a healthier diet.
Have A Strong Sense Of Purpose
Knowing your capabilities and believing in yourself makes it much easier to identify your hobbies, passions, and purpose. With a strong sense of self, you’re more likely to have a positive experience when pursuing your interests which will further boost your confidence.
Knowing Your Value
When you value yourself, you won’t settle for less than what you know you deserve.
The Ability To Accept Disagreements
You can cope well when people disagree with you. And you also understand that just because someone disagrees with you doesn’t mean you’re necessarily wrong. After all, opinions are not facts.
You Don’t Require Approval
Even though it’s nice to have others’ approval, people with high self-esteem will not seek it out or change who they are to gain the approval of others.
Have A Good Social Image
Those with high self-esteem tend to be more successful in all areas of life. By showing self-confidence and respecting yourself and others around you, you have a positive social image that continues to help your personal and social growth.

How To Boost Your Self Esteem
Accept Compliments
Research shows that people with low self-esteem have a hard time accepting compliments, instead of deflecting when someone offers you praise, practice saying a simple thank you. With time, accepting compliments will get easier, and can help you start feeling a greater sense of self-worth. Don’t forget to compliment yourself as well with positive affirmations. No negative self-talk.
Exercise Regularly
Both body image and weight are linked to self-esteem. People that are more physically active have higher self-esteem. Starting a fitness routine has both mental and physical benefits that can positively affect all areas of your life.
Work On Yourself
If there is something about yourself or an area of your life that you feel bad about, or are unhappy with, figure out what you can do to change that. Make a plan and start working towards it.
Set Realistic Expectations For Yourself
Setting goals is very important and a big part of personal growth. Just be sure that your goals are realistic. Or break down large long-term goals into mini goals that are easier to accomplish. Having small goals that you consistently reach will boost your confidence.
Stop Comparing Yourself To Others
Although it’s natural to compare yourself to others, it oftentimes can lead to feelings of inadequacy, negative feelings about one’s self, and envy. If you find yourself making comparisons, go over a list of your own strengths and accomplishments and all the ways you are blessed in life. Then remind yourself that life isn’t a competition and that you need to live your life at your own pace. Positive changes like this can help improve social anxiety and help you build more good relationships with others.
Love Yourself As You Are
We all have things that we are unhappy with or wish we could change about ourselves. But learning to accept and love yourself despite these self-perceived flaws, can help build healthy self-esteem. Identify the traits that make you unique, bring you happiness or a sense of pride, and highlight and focus on them.
Through meditation, you can learn to calm the mind and change the thoughts and feelings that are damaging to your self-confidence. This can help you realize that the negative thoughts and criticisms we hold of ourselves aren’t always hard truths.
Eat Healthy Foods
It’s hard to feel good about yourself when you’re not properly taking care of your body. And this includes diet. When you fuel your body with healthy foods, you feel stronger and have more energy.
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Remove Negative People From Your Life
You should leave a person’s company feeling good about yourself. If you consistently feel drained or bad about yourself after spending time with someone, you should avoid their company as much as possible. Spend more time with people that encourage and uplift you instead of with people that bring up negative emotions.
Start a Gratitude Journal
Take a few minutes every day to write down a few things you’re grateful for. Things you can include are people or aspects of your life you’re grateful for. As well as personal accomplishments or qualities you feel proud of. You can go back and reread it anytime you feel down.
Start A New Hobby
Learn a new skill or craft and become good at it. Knowing that you’re good at something will help to reinforce your beliefs in your own abilities and improve your self-esteem. When first taking on something new, take small steps. As you master new skills, your confidence will grow.
Spending time helping others, be it your community or the environment will give you a sense of purpose. Knowing that your contribution is making a difference is an empowering feeling that will boost your sense of self-worth.
Think Of Yourself As A Friend
We tend to be kind, patient, supportive, forgiving, and proud of our friends. But good relationships are also for your relationship with yourself. Next time you’re being hard on yourself, try and think of yourself as you do your best friend and extend the same grace to yourself as you would to them.
Pay Attention To Your Thoughts
When negative thoughts arise, there are several things you can do. Work towards fixing the issue quickly with positive thinking. Try and let the negative thoughts go by replacing them with positive self-talk. One great way to do this is to write a list of things you’re good at or that you like about yourself and read it whenever you need.
How To Help Someone With Low Self Esteem
Low self-esteem can be a difficult challenge to overcome. When someone we know and love is struggling with low self-esteem, it can be hard to figure out the best way to help. Everyone’s experience is different, and there is no one-size-fits-all solution, but there are some things you can do to provide meaningful support.
- Listen and Validate
- Offer Encouragement and Positive Affirmation
- Build a Positive Environment
- Encourage Professional Help
Listening to someone talk about their issues is an opportunity to learn and understand how low self-esteem can impact someone’s life. Validating their experiences and feelings and building a safe, positive environment can go a long way in helping them. You can play an important role in supporting and helping someone, but some people may have mental health conditions that require professional help. Encouraging them to seek the appropriate help is the best way to support them. Hopefully, in time the benefits of self-esteem will improve their mental state and social relationships so that they can have fulfilling lives.
Join A Support Group Or Seek Help
Some people have had a lifelong struggle with their self-esteem and sense of self-worth. Others, at some point in time, may suffer some negative experiences or have a major life event that will affect their self-esteem in a negative way. If you or someone you know is struggling with low self-esteem and you don’t feel like the above tips can help you, talk to your primary doctor or mental health professional for appropriate help and support. Additionally, share this blog post with someone who may find it valuable.
Xx Monti