Benefits of Dry Brushing And Reasons You Should Start
Dry brushing, for those of you unfamiliar with the practice, involves brushing your skin with a dry brush in a particular pattern. The small upward strokes with a stiff bristle brush offer many health and beauty benefits. Some of which are increased circulation, lymphatic drainage, and softer, firmer skin. Since it’s a ritual I’ve once again added to my daily routine, I want to share with you some of the benefits of dry brushing. As well as the reasons you may want to start.
What Is Dry Brushing
The tradition of dry brushing has been around pretty much forever. Not only is it part of the Ayurvedic practice of Gharsana, but ancient Egyptians were also said to have included the practice in their beauty routines. Dry brushing is done by using a natural bristle brush to make small sweeping strokes over your entire body. Really it’s pretty much as simple as it sounds. At this point in time, not all the purported benefits have been scientifically proven. But I think any beauty practice that lasts thousands of years has to be beneficial and more than just a trend. Because the whole process only takes about 5 minutes, dry brushing can easily fit into a morning routine.

Benefits of Dry Brushing
Lymphatic Drainage
The body’s lymphatic system helps remove waste and toxins from the body and supports the immune system. If you become sick, this system can become sluggish and backed up, causing swelling. Often, when you have a cold, you’ll notice the effects of this backup in swollen lymph nodes. Manual stimulation can help drain lymphatic fluids more efficiently. This will help release toxins from your body, speed up recovery from illness, and reduce bloating.
Exfoliates The Skin
Dry brushing is a form of mechanical exfoliation that works exceptionally well at removing dry skin and unclogging pores. Regular dry brushing can help prevent ingrown hairs and will leave you with soft, smooth skin and a radiant glow.

Reduces The Appearance Of Cellulite
While some people swear by it, there isn’t any scientific proof that dry brushing can eliminate cellulite. However, dry brushing does increase blood circulation, which will cause a plumping effect. Reducing cellulite permanently may not be an option, but it will temporarily help. This reduction in cellulite appearance is caused by increased blood flow. Although temporary, it’s still useful before heading to the beach.
Tones And Firms Skin
The increase in circulation brings more oxygen to your skin, improving skin health. And brushing removes all the dead skin cells, allowing any topical creams or oils to work more effectively.
Finding The Right Brush
A good high-quality body brush can easily be found at most health food stores or online. Look for a bristle brush with natural fibers. Some brushes are firmer than others, so find one that works with your skin’s sensitivity level. Remember that a firmer brush does not automatically mean a better brush. Your brush should never leave red marks, scratch your skin or feel uncomfortable. Some brushes have handles on them, making it much easier to reach every part of your body.

When And How To Dry Brush
The best time to dry brush is right before you shower. That way, your shower will wash away any dead skin cells. A few There’s no need to brush over the same area again and again. Doing so can cause irritation. You can dry brush as frequently as once a day or just once a week if that’s what works best for you,
- To properly dry brush your body, you need to stip down bare.
- Then begin at the feet, then up your calves and thighs. brushing in small gentle strokes. Brush the entirety of both legs, always moving upwards towards your heart.
- Continue on with your behind and up your backside (this is where the brush handle comes in handy).
- Next, lift your arms above your head, and starting at your hands brush down in small gentle strokes. Always brushing towards your heart.
- Because the stomach and chest are more sensitive than the rest of your body, you may want to soften your strokes, brush this area in the direction of your heart. So if you’re working below your heart level, brush upwards, If you are brushing above your heart, like shoulders or the top of your chest, stroke down. Avoid brushing over the nipple area, as this is too sensitive and will cause irritation.
- Once you finish brushing your whole body, shower as you usually do. After you shower immediately apply a good body cream or body oil.
Dry Brushing After Care
Once you finish brushing your body, Rinse your brush after every use. Then place the brush in an open, sunny area to prevent mildew. Every other week or so, wash the brush with mild soap and warm water to remove any dry skin and body oils.
After showering, a body oil or body cream will help seal in moisture and keep your skin supple and glowing! This Undaria Algae Body Oil is a little pricy but is so lovely it will easily become the favorite part of your routine.

Risks Of Dry Brushing
Although there is very little risk involved and is considered safe dry brushing is not for everyone. If you have sensitive skin or any skin conditions, it’s probably best to seek medical advice from your doctor before trying it out. You should also avoid any areas of skin that have rashes, cuts, or infections.
A Moment For Self-care
I’m sure you might be able to tell by now that I’m all about little self-cafe routines. And because time can be an issue, dry brushing is a great way to spend just a few minutes focusing on doing something for your body’s benefit. Regular dry brushing can help improve your health and have you feeling good about the body you live in. We only have one, so we might as well do what we can to take care of it!
Xx Monti
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