5 Things To do Immediately After Landing Somewhere New
One thing that I really missed over the last year and a half was travel. Even though I am not a “travel blogger”, traveling has always been a big part of my life. As well as one of the things that I enjoy most. But now that the world is slowly opening back up, travel is being added to the list again. As much as I absolutely love exploring a new destination, actually getting there can be tiring and hard on your body. This is a list of the things I do to minimize the toll traveling can take on you, especially when traveling through time zones. Besides making sure that I have all the carry-on essentials I need to be comfy, taking these steps ensures traveling is as easy as I can make it.
5 Things To Do After Landing

The air inside of an airplane has very little humidity. Being in this dry environment for an extended period of time can cause headaches, dry eyes, a sore throat, and dry skin. These effects can last well after deplaning. The best way to combat this is to drink up!
I start drinking extra water first thing in the morning on days that I’m going to be traveling. To help prevent dehydration I aim to drink at least 8oz of water every hour I’m flying. Depending on the length of your trip that can mean several bathroom trips. While they are a nuisance, it’s worth it. After landing I continue to drink lots of water and limit any caffeinated or alcoholic drinks for the rest of the day.

As soon as I check into my hotel or Airbnb, I unpack my luggage. First, I hang up any dresses, shirts, and jackets so they don’t continue to crease and wrinkle. Then I steam my clothes with a portable clothes steamer. I always travel with one so I can keep all my clothes looking fresh. I know that unpacking everything and then having to repack makes more work. But this allows me to easily see what I brought and quickly get dressed when needed. I then line up my shoes, organize my bathroom toiletries and make sure my cell phone is charged.
Wash Your Face
After unpacking, I like to brush my teeth (nothing feels better!), thoroughly wash my face, or take a shower if I just got off a long international flight. Besides the fact that the lack of humidity on the airplanes dries out your skin and ruins your makeup, planes are just dirty. I reapply all my skincare, and if I’m heading back out immediately for dinner or an event, I’ll redo my makeup so it’s fresh.

After spending hours sitting on a long flight getting in some exercise feels amazing. No matter where I go, or the purpose of the trip, I always bring a good pair of walking shoes. Not only does it feel good, but moving helps to use any pent-up energy, reduce stiffness, and bloating, as well as fight the effects of jet lag.
If it’s late in the day or there is bad weather, I’ll go to the hotel gym if that’s an option. Otherwise, I head outside and walk for an hour or more. I usually prefer to go out walking as this option also lets me explore the new area I’m in. I’ll first check Google Maps on my phone. I can then see if there are any parks or attractions in the area. Just be sure you’re in a safe area and are always aware of your surroundings. Especially if you’re out walking alone.
Find A Health Food Store
Finding the nearby local health food store allows me to keep my room stocked with fruit, healthy snacks, and clean water. If I’m staying in a hotel, I will ask the staff to remove anything that’s already in my fridge, so I have space for my own food. Especially with a diet limited by an extensive list of allergies, having food I know I can eat in my room is not only helpful but extremely comforting. If the health food store is not too far away, I will use it as a destination for my walks. Two birds with one stone, right? I’m not much of a budget travel expert, but I do know that buying your own food from the grocery store will save money. Eating out at restaurants and ordering room service for every meal will quickly add up!
Planning The Next Trip
As long as the world is doing ok and my wallet allows for it, I hope to get a lot of trips in over the next year. Especially some solo traveling. Not only would this be new to me, but it’s something that both excites me and scares me more than a little. I always love a new challenge! So, if you have any great ideas on where I should take my first solo trip, let me know in the comments below! I love to hear from you guys. And you can expect to see more travel blogs from me in the future with all the travel tips I pick up along the way.
Xx Monti
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