5 Things To Do Every Morning for a Productive Day
Having a consistent morning routine is an easy way to make the most of your day. For some people, that might be to eat breakfast, meditate, journal, have a cup of coffee to help them feel more alert, or do a quick yoga sequence, etc. There are a few things that are important when creating your own morning rituals. First, make sure that it can be realistically completed within the amount of time you have available in the morning. And then make sure that it’s not so long as to be overwhelming.
I mainly like to focus on things that keep me organized and are good for my health. Here are the 5 things I do every morning to ensure I have a productive day.
5 Things I Do Every Morning For A Productive Day
For the most part, I’ve always been a morning person. However, that doesn’t mean that I don’t have days where waking up early isn’t a struggle. So before I get to my list of things to do every morning for a productive day, real quickly, here is the number one thing I try not to do!
If I really want to have a productive morning, I won’t spend time on any social media apps first thing. It’s too easy to get sucked down the rabbit hole, and before you know it, you’ve lost 15 minutes or much more!

Get Up As Soon As The Alarm Goes Off
I never hit the snooze button! It’s time to start the day as soon as the alarm goes off. It’s not like I will get some good quality sleep in the 7 minutes it takes for the alarm to go off again. On days that I am really tired, I feel like hitting the snooze button over and over is prolonging the torture of getting up. But a lot of good stuff can happen in that 10-20 minutes when you make good use of the time. I also know that a productive morning starts the night before. And that includes getting enough sleep. Here are 10 Tips For A Better Night’s Sleep.
Make The Bed
As soon as I get up in the morning, I make the bed. For me personally, I’ve never felt like I can truly start the day without a properly made bed. (I won’t even go into the level of anxiety I feel on the rare occasion I have to leave the house with my bed unmade). Small and sometimes seemingly unimportant tasks that are practiced daily can turn into healthy habits. This, in turn, can lead us to create habits that have a much more substantial impact on our daily lives.
Drink A Large Glass Of Water
Drinking a large glass of water as soon as you wake up will immediately rehydrate the body after a long night’s sleep. It will naturally boost your energy levels by helping kickstart your metabolism and regulate your digestive system. There’s a reason most morning rituals have you drink water first thing in the morning.
Set Out Vitamins For The Day
I know that not everyone takes as many vitamins as I do on a daily basis. But even if you just take a few, this can be helpful. I like to set out all my vitamins for the day first thing in the morning. I’ll either leave them on the counter so I can see them and remember to take them throughout the day or put them in a small container to take with me.
Make A To-Do List Of The Top 6 Priorities For The Day
This list changes daily. Every morning, I sit down and list my top 6 priorities of the day. This can range from work projects that are due and bills that must be paid to drinking 3 liters of water. Even though working out in the morning is usually on the list, if my day is really busy, this might change. That doesn’t mean that I can’t work out. It just means that I either take care of the top 6 items first or make sure that I will have enough time to check all the tasks on my list throughout the day. I find that starting your morning by prioritizing the most important tasks helps with time management and can help free up some time throughout the rest of the day.
Final Thoughts
So, those are the 5 things I do for a productive morning. Occasionally, I’ve felt the need to switch things up. Some things that used to work for me don’t work now, and that’s fine. Making adjustments to have a personal morning routine that works for me is what’s most important.
Do you have a morning routine, and if so, what are some of the rituals that you include every morning? As always, I love to hear from you! Please add any questions or comments below.
Xx Monti
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